Happy Photohunting Folks!
TECHNORATI TAGS: saturday photohunt, saturday photo scavenger hunt, memes, silver arowana, fish
Random travels, adventures, wanderings, ponderings, etc.
Posted in: Biodiversity, Mushu, Saturday Photohunt
by Angelo at 2:44 am 20 comments
TECHNORATI TAGS: wordless wednesday
Posted in: Nermal, Wordless Wednesday
by Angelo at 12:07 am 22 comments
I was going to wait until May, when it gets warmer, but Nermal had some really bad knots in his fur that I decided to give him an early haircut. He just seemed so uncomfortable all the time, like he wanted to scratch himself everywhere. And forget about brushing them out, they were just too far gone. After the initial annoyance with me.... he actually seems to enjoy the freedom from all that hair. With the hair, he would do 5 minutes of cardio with his paper ball, before he would take a nap. Without the hair, his paper ball exercises go on for 30 mins! This is important, because as you can see from the next picture, he needs to work on loosing that Buddha belly....Happy ! To visit more participants, click here:
TECHNORATI TAGS: cats on tuesday, cats
Posted in: Nermal
by Angelo at 8:02 am 16 comments
Mushu shoots...he scores!
Posted in: Biodiversity, Mushu
by Angelo at 12:00 am 10 comments
Posted in: Photography, Saturday Photohunt, Travels
by Angelo at 3:32 am 31 comments
I felt compelled to write something today since I have an entry every day this week, and Saturday is the photohunt, so let's make the week complete....
I received an email today updating me on Comet McNaught. I have been desperately trying to catch a glimpse of it since the beginning of January. Unfortunately the skies over Mississauga have been cloudy whenever the comet was visible. Also, the comet would appear very close to the horizon minutes after sunset or minutes before sunrise, and I just didn't have a good view from where I am. It was even visible during the daytime around Jan 12, but again I was disappointed by the clouds! Oh well, it's no longer visible here in the northern hemisphere, but if you are in the southern hemisphere, you are in luck! If you haven't seen it already, or heard about it, try to catch it in the WSWestern sky right after sunset. If you're from down under the equator and you happen upon this blog, please let me know how it looked. Here's a pic from Mark Eriksen in Merredin Western Australia that I found at Awesome! Kudos to the photographer! After passing the sun, the burn-off produced that spectacular tail! Apparently, the comet's tail has gotten so large that it may be visible in the northern hemisphere tonight, but there's too much light pollution in my area, so I didn't even try. Oh well, there goes a perfectly awesome light show, I'm bummed....
I was hoping to go out with the telescope this weekend and do some last minute star gazing, but I don't think the weather will be co-operating.... I hope it clears up. On Monday, I will be going back to class for a month of intensive studying, so I'm trying to get a little more rest and relaxation activities out of the way.... this includes blogging. I've been purging myself with this blogging obsession of mine since the Christmas holidays, and at times it seemed to become like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill. I joined so many memes and it's been fun, but I don't know if I'll be able to keep up in the coming month.... I'm certainly gonna try though. I don't think I will be able to visit as many bloggers as I have been, so I hope y'all understand. I've met a lot of interesting bloggers from all over the world, with varying views and lifestyles. This blogosphere however, just emphasizes to me the fact that it's such a small world we live in.... In spite of all the cultural and ideological differences and misunderstandings rampant all over this globe, when we look up, we see the same moon and the same stars, and the same vast universe of which we are just a small and seemingly insignificant part....
One more thing, I finally got bored of my boring template.... I like simple and I like black, but every blogger I know (Ghee, Sasha, Leah, Tina, Shoshana etc.) has changed their template once or twice or more since I met them, so I decided to at least put a header :)... just a reminder that no matter where your travels, adventures, wanderings or even ponderings take you, it's a small world and an even smaller blogosphere.... Cheers bloggers, see y'all on the flip side, please wish me luck, or say a prayer for me, whatever your belief system may be.... I need all that good stuff :)
TECHNORATI TAGS: comet mcnaught, blogging
Posted in: Ponderings, The Stars
by Angelo at 6:39 pm 8 comments
Posted in: Thursday Thirteen
by Angelo at 12:00 am 42 comments
TECHNORATI TAGS: wordless wednesday
Posted in: Nermal, Photography, Wordless Wednesday
by Angelo at 12:00 am 14 comments
A while back, Gattina invited me to join "Cats on Tuesday", a meme she founded. So I decided that whenever I post about Nermal, it'll be on Tuesdays. Besides, Mondays are for Mushu, Wednedsays are Wordless, Thursdays are for Thirteening, and Saturdays are for Photohunting. That leaves Sundays for resting, and Fridays for everything else... oh meme, oh my!
So here are thirteen things about Nermal.... oh wait, it's not Thursday.... oh well:
Posted in: Nermal
by Angelo at 12:00 am 15 comments
Mushu Misses....
Happy Mushu Monday! Stay tuned, next week he won't.... |
Posted in: Biodiversity, Mushu
by Angelo at 12:00 am 11 comments
Posted in: Saturday Photohunt
by Angelo at 12:00 am 32 comments
I'm sure we've all heard of the health benefits of antioxidants. They are known to protect the body's cells from the damaging effects of free radicals (whatever that means! That's another Thursday Thirteen maybe?). Suffice it to say, the damaging stress these free radicals place on our cells have been linked to cancer, ageing, heart disease, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, etc. In 2004, Wu X, Beecher GR, Holden JM, et al. published "Lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant capacities of common foods in the United States" in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry (52(12):4026-37). So this week, as per this article, I'd like to list: The Top Thirteen Antioxidant Rich Foods in the Common North American Diet Which I Will Try to Eat More of:
To your good health Thirteeners! Happy Thirteening :) |
Posted in: Thursday Thirteen
by Angelo at 12:00 am 23 comments
I first blogged about Mushu No. 5 one year ago today, so here's an update on him a year later.... He started out at a length of 6.5".... and today, he is a little over a foot long.... Considering the fact that his tail has not grown back completely, he should be a little bit longer. I purposely stopped feeding him live food because his growth rate was just too rapid to be sustained by his tiny 20 gallon tank. He actually loves his pellet food, and displays an equally voracious appetite for them.
This Christmas, my family gave me a sweet new setup for him, so I'm happy to say that Mushu No. 5 has finally made the big move into a new home.... Surprisingly, he didn't put up much of a fight at all. In fact, not a even so much as a splash. I simply scooped him up with a plastic grocery bag, and gently released him into the new tank. He slipped into his new surroundings very effortlessly, and seemed pleasantly surprised at all the new space. It is a 75 gallon tank with a length of 48", so he's got a lot more swimming space. This also means that I will be giving him live goldfish or minnows every so often again. I don't want him to grow too rapidly though, because I don't think I have the space for an even larger tank just yet. In their natural habitat of the Amazon River, Silver Arowanas can grow to the length of 47" or 1.2 meters. In captivity, they're more likely to grow to about 39" or one meter. If they are not given adequate space, they may develop deformities. Mushu has actually developed a slightly prolapsed operculum or gill covering. Presumably, this is from the fact that he would often swim backwards in the smaller tank. The operculum appears to be in better condition now that the length of the new tank is four times his body length, at least, it is not getting any worse. His old home has been converted into a tank for Aiden, which also serves the double purpose of being the home of Mushu's future prey.... (Mushu: mmmm, goldfish....)Looking at this tank makes me wonder how he survived for so long under such cramped conditions. I'm also raising a Pleco or janitor fish in this tank, until it is large enough not to fit in Mushu's mouth. I had gotten a new janitor fish (Phillipe II) thinking it was too big for Mushu to eat. I had even made a cave for it, just in case he needed to hide from Mushu. However, one day, Phillipe II went missing, on the same day, a large bulge appeared in Mushu's abdomen...
I'm hoping that the extra space will also allow for his tail to finally heal completely.... I'm no longer convinced that he sustained the injury trying to escape his cramped quarters by jumping, as I witnessed him swimming in circles trying to catch his own tail.... Seems like dog-like behaviour? I really must be a dog person, coz my cat behaves like a dog, and now my fish! Hopefully Mushu will be more content with all the space, that he won't feel the need to chew off his own tail anymore.
TECHNORATI TAGS: arowana, silver arowana,aquariums, fish
Posted in: Biodiversity, Mushu
by Angelo at 9:32 pm 21 comments
Posted in: Photography, Saturday Photohunt
by Angelo at 12:00 am 28 comments
Last week I was tagged by Toe, payback for tagging her :) Her tag entailed listing "10 things that I would never do". She also suggested that I do it as a Thursday Thirteen, so not only did she tag me, but she got me to do 1/3 more work than the original tag! You're a smart cookie Toe! So here are Thirteen Things I Would Never Do:
Posted in: Thursday Thirteen
by Angelo at 12:00 am 15 comments
TECHNORATI TAGS: wordless wednesday
Posted in: Photography, Wordless Wednesday
by Angelo at 12:00 am 18 comments
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