Friday, December 28, 2007

Mississauga to Flushing in Nine Hours?

I drove down to New York City today. The drive was only supposed to take 7.5 hours... according to the GPS that is.... but because of frequent stops to pee and allow for reperfusion of my right gluteus maximus, plus the fact that I got side tracked after getting off the George Washington Bridge, it ended up taking me 9 hours to reach my friend's place in Flushing Queens. I've usually done the ride down to New York with my trusty and very hot navigator Tu Anh, but this time I did it solo. It was a pretty good ride all in all, no traffic, nice weather, no lines or hassles at the border. I thought I'd take you along with me on the ride, since I haven't been taking y'all anywhere on this much neglected blog in a very long time.... Hope you enjoy the scenery. I started my trip at 3AM on a full tank of gas.... I reached the US-Canada border at Lewiston New York in about 1.5 hours. As you can see, not a very long line....
3.5 hrs later: Here comes the sun.... Here comes the sun.... And I say..... It's alright.... Taking a washroom and strech break here....
Here are some icy cliffs....
Ended up stopping the picture taking at this point, city driving needs two hands.

Had to refill my gas tank with only an hour left to get to my destination. I got 676.5 Km on a full tank of gas though, the Mazda 3 gets pretty good mileage....
More pictures from New York to follow....