Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Santa et al.

I bumped into Santa Claus on his annual Thanksgiving day visit to New York City.... In New York he arrives on a big swan... I never knew there were swans in the North Pole, but hey this is New York.... anything is possible here.... It was my first American Thanksgiving, so I decided to check out the tail end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, before heading to my aunt's for Thanksgiving lunch... thanks for reminding me about it Leah, it was much more crowded than our parade.... I wanted to finally see the huge ass balloons in person though, and I wasn't disappointed....Whoaw Horton, you're huge.....Mamma Mia, dats a bigga candy cane....Sorry that's the best of what I got on film, next year I'll try to catch the whole thing... ya right....

For my first American Thanksgiving I'm thankful for old friends and new....
Family.... old and new.....and brand spanking new....these two are my newest niece and nephew Ava and Jaiden.... we've been waiting for them for a long while now and after years of trying on my cousin's part, they're finally here.... I'm not only thankful for their arrival, but for the successful surgery to correct Jaiden's tetralogy of fallot.... He's only 2 days post-op here, and I'm hoping he'll make a speedy recovery.... please say a prayer for him or send some good vibes in his direction....

I'm thankful for the possibilities when you don't give up, and keep the faith.... and I'm thankful for closed doors and opened windows.... Happy Thanksgiving y'all....


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hey Santa, Remember Me?

Nothing like a Santa Claus Parade complete with marching bands, Christmas carols, humongous floats, and excited kids (of all ages) everywhere, to get you infected early with the Christmas spirit.... Luckily, I dropped by Leah's blog yesterday.... she inspired me to take a break from my anxiety riddled nerd-fest in the Gerstein Library, to greet good ol' St. Nick on his annual pre-Christmas eve visit to Toronto.... I think I'm finally starting to shed the humbug that's been hanging over my head for the past couple of years.... Thanks Leah, I'm glad I found you and your family in that crowd.....
Gimme a big cheeesse Samantha Claus....Whoaw Clifford, you're huge....
Lookin' good Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head.....
Check out SPUDerman in the back....
Santa's workshop, must mean a certain somebody is close by.....KIDS GONE WILD.... I guess they sense the big guy's near.....The big guy himself....
A Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night....

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Oh No He Di'int!

OH YES HE DID... 338 electoral votes? Whaaaaat.... yaaah boooyyyy!

My faith in America was restored at 11:00 PM EST on November 4, 2008....

Wow, the words my mind sang to itself..."we shall overcome".... my faith in a persevering hope in better tomorrows was also restored tonight.... I never thought that I would see this day, this soon.... I used to be an optimist, so I imagined maybe seeing this day in the distant future, with grandkids on my lap telling them that a black president would never have been elected in my day..... in a few hours I'm going to wake up to a world with a little more hope in it, and with a renewed sense of optimism..... God bless America....

But now, what am I going to watch on t.v.?