We see thee rise, the true north strong and free! From far and wide, GO CANADA, we stand on guard for thee!
Over the past few days, I was able to greet the Olympic Flame as it made its way through the Greater Toronto Area.... it began its journey on October 22, 2009 as all Olympic Flames do, in the Temple of Hera in Olympia Greece.... there, a high priestess focused the sun's rays on a metal reflector to ignite a torch.... after an 8 day relay through Greece, the flame was taken to Canadian soil in Victoria B.C. where it began what will be the longest domestic Olympic torch relay in history....
it has already made its way through Northern and Eastern Canada and even passed through CFS Alert in the northern tip of Nunavut!.... for trivial pursuit purposes, Alert Nunavut is the most northern permanently inhabited settlement in the world.... well, it wasn't as cold as Nunavut, but it was pretty darn cold in Toronto on Thursday when Chuck and I welcomed the flame at Nathan Phillips Square....
luckily there was lotsa music to keep us moving and warm.... I had to take a picture of these protesters to remind myself of how much I love breathing the sweet sweet air of freedom and democracy!....
just last year during the 2008 Communist China Olympic relay any signs of free speech were stifled and/or censored by communist gestapo tactics..... FREE TIBET you heathens!!!.... btw, the sign says "No Olympics. No tar sands on stolen Native land".... aside from the First Nations protesters there were also anti-poverty protesters who were able to cause a disruption in the relay.... this resulted in over an hour delay in the Flame's arrival into Nathan Phillips Square.... but it was all good, it gave Chuck and I more time to partay....
on Saturday, while I was out
starting my Christmas shopping (hey this is really early for me), I caught the Olympic flame again as it came through Mississauga....
our final torch bearer was two time Olympic Gold Medal Champion Cheryl Pounder of the Canadian Women's Hocky Team....
another of the Mississauga torch bearers was our own and very beloved mayor, Her Worship Hazel McCallion.... at 88, she kept pace with her juniors jogging the Olympic Torch 400m before passing it on to the next torch bearer.... she has been Mississauga's Mayor since 1978 and she's still very much the "Hurricane Hazel" we all adore....
despite hosting the Olympics twice before, Canada has yet to win a gold medal on Canadian soil, but the third time is usually a charm, so GO TEAM CANADA in Vancouver 2010.... looking forward to Feb. 12, good luck/bonne chance!
TECHNORATI TAGS: olympic torch relay