Friday, June 23, 2006

Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Part 3

An update on Mushu No. 5 (he's 12 " now):I woke up last month to find that Mushu's tail was gone!?!..... It took 4 weeks, but it's pretty much grown back now....a little warped looking, but functional.....I have several theories as to how this could have happened.....

1) He somehow caught it in the aquarium canopy in one of his frequent attempts at escape and/or suicide by jumping......

2) He bit it off out of hunger.....Mushu doesn't quite like the freeze dried shrimp I've been feeding him......

3) He bit it off to protest the overgrown algae conditions of his tank due to the untimely demise of his custodian fish Philippe (rest in peace Philippe)......

4) He bit it off as a cry for attention....since I haven't blogged about him in so long......

5) Or perhaps he bit it off because of stress from being harrassed by an under 2 foot glass smacking monster named Aiden......

When questioned, Aiden turns to me and says "I didn't do it"......

by Angelo de los Angeles


nixda said...

Mushu ~ ganda ng name ah!

pero mas niedlich (cute) ang baby mo :)

ghee said...

heyyy,Aiden is sooo cute!!

can i kiss her? *mwah*

Angelo said...

hehe :) Aiden's not mine he's my inaanak....pero mana kay ninong!

Angelo said...

*mwah* for tita ghee...Aiden