Sunday, September 03, 2006

Celeb-Kitty Circle

Check this out....(click the pic) Nermal would like to thank the following people for this great honour:

  • First and foremost, God Almighty who makes all things possible;
  • Nermal's mom and dad for bringing him into this world;
  • His Human Angelo for rescuing him from that fungus-ridden hovel in Manila, and for taking care of him until all those fungal lesions on his skin disappeard, then bringing him to Toronto where he could grow up to become the fat North American cat that he is;
  • All his other humans Lola and Lolo for feeding him way too much, Ate Dayday for believing in him despite all the other celebrity cats on T.V., Tita for feeding him too, his human cousin Aiden for chasing him but never catching him, and Arnold and Ate Nel for always teasing him.....
  • And to everybody else who have made this honour possible especially The Paw Search Academy....
    thank you....

Stay tuned folks, Nermal is working on his latest death defying feat for y'all.....



ghee said...

haha! I saw the video!He`s really imoressive and cute cat! wowww!

and thats nice of you Angelo to bring him to Toronto.Arent you a good healer? :)

cant wait to see his capability :)


thanx that you also switched to blogger beta,i can leave my msg anytime! have a nice...night? ;)

Angelo said...

Hi Ghee! Thanks for dropping by :) Ya I just switched to blogger beta, but I'm not so sure if I like do you like it? have you had any problems with it?

ghee said...

I had some problems leaving comments to some blogs esp.if theyre under moderation(just like the link in ur post,i tried to leave a comment but i was unable).

But I like it coz its so easy to post pix and publishing my post took a sec,really faster,compare to the old one.

ill get used to it. :)

Angelo said...

Ya I noticed that if annonymous commenting is not allowed then your only option to leave a comment is with your blogger account....but if you've switched to blogger beta, you can't access your old blogger account! sucks....but ya we'll get used to it....and they'll fix the problems too, eventually....

BTW, that link I sent you will redirect you to the original post when you try to comment, that's probably why you couldn't leave a comment :)

Dan-san said... really brought the cat all the way to Toronto from Manila. How impressive! That's love man!

Angelo said...

WORD Dan-san!