Sunday, September 17, 2006


This weekend has been shot after shot of nostalgia for me....."nostalgia": from the Greek nostos = to return and algia = pain...... a longing or pain to return to something from a time ago, or for past happy circumstances..... my studying has made me into a veritable hermit.... I've been so focused on work and now study, that I pretty much cut myself off from so many people..... it has started to manifest into nostalgic symptomatology as of late as I've been finding myself thinking back on all the great friends I have made from my childhood and during my stay in the Philippines, and how I miss them and the great times we had....

On friday, another one of my friends since high school bit the dust and got married.......Congratulations pareng Andy! I'm glad you waited for THE ONE.... she is lovely and you are a lucky guy to finally have found her.... and she is a very lucky girl, pare ko.... actually, I don't believe luck had anything to do with it.... when I first came home to Canada some time ago, Andy and I met up and re-bonded based on our mutual disdain (okay maybe not disdain) for our previous relationships that had ended just steps from the altar..... I think we both came to the understanding that the Big Guy was actually looking out for us, and that we were exactly where we needed to be....... I'm glad I waited too..........

I'm gonna miss those late night drinking binges and karaokeing till the wee hours of the morning..... I remember one such session, Andy had retired early to his room, but I, still juiced up on vodka, continued to karaoke.... I recieved a call on my cell fone.... it was Andy from upstairs in his bedroom..... telling me to shut up before I wake the neighbours....ha!

Next shot: Nelson!! I had not seen this guy since high school graduation.... but I always thought about how he was doing, and always asked about him..... he hadn't changed..... married now, with one daughter, but as we recalled our high school days, I felt like it was yesterday.... IG, oratz, Saji, band, sliding under the music room window to get to the office and change our marks, VIXSMITH, under-aged drinking, Thomas barfing in the vent, house parties, getting caught having unauthorized house parties....etc....
Next shot: Cwis.... I've actually known this guy since grade 3 or 4.... he now has a daughter of his own..... after his wedding last year, I swore off open bars, and alcohol in general.... but as he (and his lovely wife Monica) made me realize, his wedding was two years ago (did I just lose a year of my life!?) and I'm always going to be an alchoholic (but in a good way).... what does Vixsmith (did I spell that right) stand for again?
Another shot: Adam Z..... one of the all time nicest guys you could ever know..... also married with a daughter.... last time I saw him, Kristen, his wife, was still pregnant at Chris' wedding.....

Thanks for the stroll down memory lane guys.... great times.... we must do it again..... don't count on it being my wedding any time soon though..... I think Nigel should go next..... I may be one of the last remaining bachelors, but I'm liking the status quo for now......
And on Saturday, a final shot: ING a.k.a. Christine Ignacio........ former spy of an ex-gf who ended up becoming my own dear friend and confidant....... four years ago I promised to show her around when she finally moves to North America........ so glad to finally see you again Ing........ ingat ka sa Chicago.....
Time flies folks, enjoy it while it lasts...... here's to old friends and good times......Cheers!



Lyrically speaking said...

beautiful pics, thanks for sharing

ghee said...

Yeah,I can relate so well,Angelo,that nostalgic feelings.

The last time I went home,I met my friends after 25 yrs,imagine that?My childhood friends.

These pics are cool!!Im really glad that you had a good time and did be able to get rid of some stresses. :)

Maybe you`re next in line?The wedding I mean :) Your pic with Tu Anh is lovely. :)

Angelo said...

Hi Delaleu, thanks for dropping me a note, appreciate it.... great poetry btw....

Hi Ghee, thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think so hehe....although, Tu Anh did catch THE BOUQUET.... I'm not superstitious ;)

Anonymous said...

lovely bouquet!

You`re not superstitious,ei?hehe..

have a lovely day,Angelo!

Anonymous said...

so when are we (you) getting drunk ??

I'm glad you're back on the wagon

Rey said...

I agree with you, Angelo. We have to enjoy those up-to-the-wee-hours partying and being "with the boys" thing while it lasts (as being single). There's something in marriage than tames the wild horses within us. Maybe it's domestication? Or maybe it's responsibility. But I'd just like to think of it as fulfillment and pure, anadulterated happiness and contentment.

We can still fill our mouth with malt and liquors to the brim till we throw up. But of course, only on ocassions. :)

Tigersan said...

Bouquet = Happy ;)

Nice pictures and post :)

Nelson said...

Great blog!!!

Angelo, i feel honoured to be mentioned in your blog!!! that was a great trip down memory lane at Andy's wedding! missed u guys!!!

like Chris, happy to see Party Angelo made an appearance, and hopefully it'll happen more often now!!!

Angelo said...

I'm really not Ghee ;)....hehe....

Hey Rey! Thanks for the perspective from the other side of the altar....maybe one day soon I'll be ready for it....but not yet... hehe...

Ohayu tigersan....Nermal and I love your pics.....we linked you up, hope you don't mind :)

Angelo said...

Nelson!! so glad to see you on my blog, and was so glad to finally see you again at the wedding, after all these years..... Chris is up for briscola and booze.... he said "Koshi" aka Matt/Matthew/Saji/Kanjooparambam is up for it too....

Chris am I ON the wagon, or OFF the wagon? Seinfeld never really established it....

B* said...

Oh wow! looks like you had a great time!!

I love looking at wedding pics =)

Anonymous said...


Angelo...nice blog! Looks great! The pics look awesome. We got back from our 10-day honeymoon in Hawaii on Thursday evening. I love Hawaii. Many Filipinos there!

Diane and I are so happy that all of you were there to celebrate our day. It was a fun night and it was really cool to have all my close friends there. We'll have to get together soon to reminisce about high-school again...maybe some karaoke and drinks too. Thanks for putting the wedding up on your blog; it's an honour.

We will all have to get together again soon. was very nice to meet you.

Oorootz. Aloha!


Angelo said...

Hey sdit, ya it was good times! Cheers :)

Angelo said...

Pare! Thanks for dropping by my blog....glad you had a great honeymoon..... lets play brisk and drink and karaoke.... soon man!