Monday, January 22, 2007

Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Part 6

Mushu shoots...he scores!

WARNING: If you are a goldfish lover, please do not press play as Mushu can be rather brutal when he's hungry.

For goldfish lovers like Ghee, I bought some minnows so you too can enjoy the wilds of the Amazon, without feeling too bad for the cute fish. Don't feel too bad about this minnow and his compatriots, they were convicted of the near-death beatings of over a dozen innocent goldfish. So I had to sentence them to death by Mushu....

Happy Mushu Monday!



Anonymous said...

ohh,thats nice of you,Angelo! :)
Funny,you`ve sentenced "them" to death for Mushu.well,thats how survival goes esp. in the Amazon.

yeah,i didnt watch the first video,Mushu was just too tough and impressive to catch his own meal!
It won`t be a wonder if he`s grown as big as you,LOL!

thanx!goodluck to you tomorrow!
be energetic and alert as how your blog shows. ;)

dont forget to take your own meal,too,just like Mushu,LOL!

Anonymous said...

nice fish lucky fish

Angelo said...

Ghee:: Ya it's a fish eat fish world out there huh. I still need to give Mushu fresh food to keep him healthy. Even Arowanas can like sashimi! Thanks Ghee, I'm actually excited to go back to class. see you later and have a great week!

Angelo said...

Ang-Ang: Thanks dude!

tina said...

poorr GOLDIE T_T

well that's nature. Happy Mushu Monday!

Anonymous said...

thats survival of the fittest. i hope goldfish can eat arowana too, hehehe. joke!

Gina said...

Beautiful shots! Go Mushu,Go, Mushu Go!!!

Anonymous said...

My dad used to raise fish in our basement -- catfish! Strange hobby, but it worked for him.

Gattina said...

I think my cats would love this not so handsome fish !

Girlie said...

Wow Angelo, he's getting really good at catching his food.

I wouldn't want to be anywhere near his mouth when he's hungry!