Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday Ponderings

I felt compelled to write something today since I have an entry every day this week, and Saturday is the photohunt, so let's make the week complete....

I received an email today updating me on Comet McNaught. I have been desperately trying to catch a glimpse of it since the beginning of January. Unfortunately the skies over Mississauga have been cloudy whenever the comet was visible. Also, the comet would appear very close to the horizon minutes after sunset or minutes before sunrise, and I just didn't have a good view from where I am. It was even visible during the daytime around Jan 12, but again I was disappointed by the clouds! Oh well, it's no longer visible here in the northern hemisphere, but if you are in the southern hemisphere, you are in luck! If you haven't seen it already, or heard about it, try to catch it in the WSWestern sky right after sunset. If you're from down under the equator and you happen upon this blog, please let me know how it looked. Here's a pic from Mark Eriksen in Merredin Western Australia that I found at Awesome! Kudos to the photographer! After passing the sun, the burn-off produced that spectacular tail! Apparently, the comet's tail has gotten so large that it may be visible in the northern hemisphere tonight, but there's too much light pollution in my area, so I didn't even try. Oh well, there goes a perfectly awesome light show, I'm bummed....

I was hoping to go out with the telescope this weekend and do some last minute star gazing, but I don't think the weather will be co-operating.... I hope it clears up. On Monday, I will be going back to class for a month of intensive studying, so I'm trying to get a little more rest and relaxation activities out of the way.... this includes blogging. I've been purging myself with this blogging obsession of mine since the Christmas holidays, and at times it seemed to become like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill. I joined so many memes and it's been fun, but I don't know if I'll be able to keep up in the coming month.... I'm certainly gonna try though. I don't think I will be able to visit as many bloggers as I have been, so I hope y'all understand. I've met a lot of interesting bloggers from all over the world, with varying views and lifestyles. This blogosphere however, just emphasizes to me the fact that it's such a small world we live in.... In spite of all the cultural and ideological differences and misunderstandings rampant all over this globe, when we look up, we see the same moon and the same stars, and the same vast universe of which we are just a small and seemingly insignificant part....

One more thing, I finally got bored of my boring template.... I like simple and I like black, but every blogger I know (Ghee, Sasha, Leah, Tina, Shoshana etc.) has changed their template once or twice or more since I met them, so I decided to at least put a header :)... just a reminder that no matter where your travels, adventures, wanderings or even ponderings take you, it's a small world and an even smaller blogosphere.... Cheers bloggers, see y'all on the flip side, please wish me luck, or say a prayer for me, whatever your belief system may be.... I need all that good stuff :)



Anonymous said...

Oh yeah,I love the header,we definitely live in one world,and its absolutely a small world :)Coincidentally,your links(map)and my link have the same texts(small world).

Ive never been experienced start gazing,and the pic showed how awesome it is!maybe it`ll be more interesting to see through a telescope :)

Yeah,you`ve been so active lately that surprised me a lot and made me sneek here everynow and then!Though,its not a waste of my time,that I can tell you :)

I`m pretty sure that I`m gonna miss you, and your comments play a big part on my blog.I feel sad but I`m happy for you...I`m glad I`ve met you here in blogosphere...

I`ll pray for your success..,and yes,you should concentrate on your studies.

Take care of yourself...just go and break a leg!!

Kudos to you,Angelo!

Anonymous said...

Hmm... no goodbyes, as what Ate Ghee said. God bless on whatever it is your tackling from here on. You can do it, Angelo! I'm pretty sure of it :)

Hey, dalaw paminsan ha?

I'll include you in my prayers... Take care always!

tina said...

Nice post. Haven't heard about this one. -_-

Anyway you're right. People from different places all over the world.. with different belief system/culture/varying lifestyles is under the same sun and moon and living in one planet named Earth. And the blogosphere... is one big place too.. where people meet and share opinions/stories/experiences and get something from each other.

Well... I wish you all the best! Youre a person with a great perseverance... (everyone must have it in order to get what they want). May all go well with you. Blessed Be. :)

Angelo said...

Ghee: Thank you Ghee! You make is seem like goodbye, but I assure you I will definitely be dropping by your place often, and I'm still gonna try to post as much as I can. I'm just not sure how religiously I can keep up like I have been :) Thank you for remembering me in your prayers, see you again soon!

Angelo said...

Sasha: Thank you for the support Sasha, it's definitely not goodbye, but if you don't see me as often, you'll know why! I'll be seeing you soon :)

Angelo said...

Tina: Thank you Tina, I'm very glad we bumped into each other in this great big blogosphere! I'll be seeing you around for sure, thanks for the good wishes!

Gina said...

Wow, Angelo! Lalim naman nitong entry mo! =)
Here's wishing you luck & success in all your endeavors!You go,boy!

Angelo said...

Gina: Thank you Gina, good luck on yours too :) Hope it's okay, I'm gonna link you up k? so it's easier to visit you :)