Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Nermal's Photo Hunt

Nermal would like to say a big THANK YOU! to everybody who wished him well last week:

(this pic was taken when he still had his hair :) sorry if it takes long to load, please be patient)

Nermal is much happier these days because I've been coming home much earlier just to give him more quality play time, plus his human Grampa payed him a visit from New York City and kept him company.... So Thanks to everyone who sent him hugs, nudges, purrs, and ear scratches from across cyberspace!

He enjoyed blogging so much last week that he'd like to put in a few late entries for the past three Saturday Photohunts....
First is his SALTY entry.... This is a picture of him last winter (when he still had his hair) exploring the salty driveway....His entry from two weeks ago....SOFT.... which is a picture of his fur that he misses.....And here's his entry from three weeks ago....ANTIQUE:It's a picture of some cat mummies (and a falcon mummy) from the Royal Ontario Museum.... sorry for the poor quality of the photo, but Nermal's not much of a photographer and flash photography is prohibited at the museum..... Nermal would prefer cremation, however, when his 9 lives are up!

Happy and Photohunting folks! To visit more participants, click here:



Andree said...

Hey Nermel! Time for your own blog! LOL So I have NEVER seen a cat stand up like that. That's cool. And those cat mummies? YUCK. Be careful out in that salt. Wash those toes out! You are a riot!

Gattina said...

I could confound Nermal with a little Teddy bear ! Did you have to have him shaved ? Poor Kim has an appointment at the vet today, because the poor thing is again full of knots on her belly and under her chin. That's the places where nobody is allowed to brush her. Unfortunately it has to be done once a year.
I like the cat mommies, I intend to paint one of these when I finish my other cat godess painting. Sleep well both of you, I just got up lol !

srp said...

I love the name Nermal.... he is so gorgeous, although I must whisper this as he looks like a cat who might let the flattery and praise left in the comments, go right to his head. Very nice shots for the photo hunt, Nermal.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Nermal, you are very brave to explore that salty driveway! I guess with all your fluffy fur you can stay warm in the winter, but I still think you are brave!

Nice photo hunt pictures. :) The Egyptians were very smart humans to worship us cats. Fortunately, our humans seem to do a pretty good job at meeting our needs, even if they don't think we are gods and goddesses.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Nermal, I know what it's like to be shaved completely bald! I had to be shaved when I was in hospital and once I was better and at home...I loved it! I felt so free and cool, I think my companion will get my hair cut next summer.

Purrs and rubs


FelineFrisky said...

Nermal is so sweet! What a fun "trick" of sorts. Ours need to be tempted to do such things.

Nermal is "hairless" now??? Why the haircut? He does look rather disappointed in that photo. D :)

Anonymous said...

Nermal did a great job posting last week. He is such a majestic cat....neither of mine stand on their back legs like that. My little girl used to sit sometimes like a rabbit and sniff the air but I think now her belly topples her over. Your photos were great, I love the little cat mummies.

Anonymous said...

cool nermel shots, and how did nermel react with the mummified meows? i wonder

Anonymous said...

Nermal, are you going to make another cat with all that hair? :)

Suzanne R said...

Nermal is obviously a cat with lots of personality. That's quite a pile of fur he lost! Your pictures are great!

Luna und Luzie said...

Hi Nermal furry friend, did you wash your paws after walking on the salty driveway?
Great photo with the cat mummies !

kuanyin333 said...

What a beautiful fluffy cat! Shaved? Boo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool Nermal!And yes,its your day!I`m glad that you and your human,and your human grampa had good bondings :)

Nermal really has an attitude of a dog,standing up to welcome someone.Nermal is so nice to be with esp every winter coz his fur seems so warm :)

More hugs for you Nermal!!
and take care,you and your human,Angelo! :)

(my comp got virus...and its in trouble..uh oh...)

tina said...

Haha.. You're welcome Nermal!! hehe.. How cuteee!!! hehe

well at least nermal is feeling ok now.. hehe.. cause youre back home early nowadays.. hehe

Girlie said...

Your cat looks so soft, like I could use for a pillow!

Laurence said...

Is it really your cat ?
Nermal is so cute ! (I have a "chat persan" too. Her name : "Harissa" because she's a spice cat !!!) :-)

Teena in Toronto said...

Glad he got caught up!

Mine were up too :)

Heart of Rachel said...

Nermal is such a lovely cat. I'm glad that he is happier because of the quality time you spend together.

How nice that he had fun with the Salt entry. He must love exploring and discovering things with you.

I'll visit again later for your photo hunt this week. Take care!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great idea!! I may explore it for my own Sophie!