Thirteen things I learned on my trip to Atlanta: - I never realized how deprived we really are, weather-wise, in Toronto. I was greeted by mid-20's temperatures (70'sF) and vegetation in full bloom when I got to Atlanta. (when I got off the plane coming home to Toronto, it was back to minus-somethingC and snow)
- I finally memorized how to convert F to C... as a rough estimate, I just remember the following: 30F=-1/0C, 40F=4C, 50F=10C, 60F=16C, 70F=21C, 80F=27C, 90F=32C, 100F=38C
- Since it was my first time anywhere near the American south, I got a taste of southern hospitality, as most people were so nice, friendly, and helpful.
- I was reminded that there was an Olympics in Atlanta in '96, I remember watching on T.V.
- I learned that CNN is based in Atlanta.... I always assumed it was NY.
- I learned that Coca-Cola is also based in Atlanta.
- Atlanta has the largest aquarium in the world... it was closed by the time I got there...
- Apparently, I have an accent that some Atlantan's could not understand on first hearing...
- I was a little bit slow understanding some of the southern accents myself...
- Atlanta is a great city.
- I learned that digital cameras can only be used on airplanes at altitudes of 10,000 ft or more... at least that's Continental Airlines' policy.
- While waiting at the gate in Newark, NJ for my flight to Toronto, I finally recognized what some people mean when they say that Torontonians are not nice... most of them seemed relatively uptight and unfriendly... never noticed that before, but I guess I had no southern frame of reference...
- I'm hoping it was just a bad batch of Torontonians I got to fly with (although the girl who sat beside me was pretty nice). I'm gonna have to examine my own behaviour and attitude when I'm walking around the city. I hope that I never contribute to a bad reputation for Toronto, and what I believe to be, mostly friendly Torontonians :)
Happy Thursday Thirteeners!
Atlanta is a wonderful city.
The worst non-friendly Torontonian experience I ever had was flying into Pearson from Houston. My cousin was getting married in St. Kits 3 hours after I landed and the border officer kept demanding why I wasn't flying into Edmonton and then flying to TO.
Cause I had a wedding to get to - duh!
Lovely to be welcomed into your country of birth in such a manner...
Southerners are lovely people...if you stay there long enough, people will call you "Shug" and you will hear "might could" and "y'all".
Hi Angelo!This is a very informative T13.You reminded me on how to convert F to C,i was really confused on how to do it.
Atlanta has the largest aquarium in the world,hope you could share to us some pics someday :)
I really love the different accents of English speakers,asian or native.i wonder what kind of accent does Atlantans have.
I hope you really are one of the friendly and warm Torontonians then.I believe so,coz you have that Pinoy blood in you.
hope your cold has gone now and you could sleep very well tonight :)
TC always,Angelo!
sounds like a worthwhile list and nice 13 stuffs you learned in Atlanta.
Im sure you are part of the good Torontonian. hehehe :P
Glad you enjoyed your trip to the South. I live 3 hrs from Atlanta, but have lots of kin who live there. So I know it pretty well.
Check out my TT.
Hey, I didn't know CNN is based in Atlanta. Thanks for the info. :)
Oh how I want to go back to Atlanta...
:D thanks for reminding...
my parents are from the northeast, but we moved to georgia when i was 6, so i grew up there. i was always conscious of the differences between the "north" and the "south" ...and for all practical purposes, pennsylvania was always "home" --even though i never lived there, it was where all my extended family livec and where we spent vacations and holidays.
regional and cultural differences still fascinate me. my grandparents, for example, found southern accents very hard to understand, which i thought was really funny. (they have pennsylvania accents--also funny!)
when i moved up north to go to college (Connecticut), i had to get out of the habit of making eye contact with people on the street (and even on campus) and saying hello to them. isn't that crazy--i had to unlearn saying "hello" to strangers! lol [because THAT is considered crazy...]
i don't miss the georgia weather...but i DO miss the food and the sweet ice tea!
ok... now i wanna go to atlanta =)
Lots of interesting things that you learned on your trip! My mom says that she finds it funny how Americans (not just southerners) think that Canadians have "cute Canadian accents." She spent one summer in New Jersey, and everyone kept commenting on her cute accent! Yet she just sounds like your typical Canadian.
As for Toronto weather, well, it's better than Ottawa or Winnipeg weather! Which isn't saying much, I know. ;) My mom attended university in Guelph, and she preferred the milder winters there as compared to Ottawa's frigid winters.
I have never been to Atlanta. Interesting list! I will need to visit their sometime when I have the chance.
I like your T13 ! This one make me travel ! ;-)
Happy T13 ! :-)
We used to live outside Atlanta. We're in SC now -- lived here before and after Atlanta and like it a lot better. :) I've always lived in the southeast, though, and southern hospitality is just a part of life. I can't imagine living somewhere without it, but I've heard stories!!! :)
Ha, thanks for the 411 about Atlanta! I didn't know about CNN and Coca-Cola being based there until I read your post. Hah. Thanks. `:]
Anyways.. yeah, most southerners are pretty nice. The ones in the cities are the snobby and bitchy types (read: DC area, lol). But yeah, just as long as you had fun, that's what matters, right? ^___^
Right, I always knew that CNN is based in NY ! Mali pala ! Wow you had great travel experience even you were a bit stressed up and tired of your exam! At least visiting the place will ease your stress away ;) ! Thanks for sharing your escapades Angelo ! Bonne chance pour la suite !
See, aren't we Southerners just as sweet as pie and sweet ice tea? I don't make it downtown very often, but Atlanta is a great city with some great people.
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