Wednesday, April 04, 2007

totus tuus ego sum Domine Part II

Well my exam is finally over, and I'm blogging to you from Atlanta, GA.... I'm not as tired as I was after I took the Canadian equivalent last September, even though I kept waking up every hour last night, and only ended up getting 4 hours of sleep.... so, after my exam, I decided to take a quick trip to downtown Atlanta.... after my exam in Hamilton last September, I stopped off at their Cathedral of Christ the King for some divine inspiration, so I decided to pay a courtesy call to the Atlanta Cathedral.... would you believe it is also called the Cathedral of Christ the King?.... I thought that was pretty poetic.... the Lord certainly does move in mysterious ways....

Last night in the throws of pre-exam anxiety I picked up the hotel bible and opened to the book of psalms.... this was the first psalm I read:

1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,
from whence cometh my help.
2 My help cometh from the LORD,
which made heaven and earth.
3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved:
he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel
shall neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD is thy keeper:
the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
6 The sun shall not smite thee by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil:
he shall preserve thy soul.
8 The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in
from this time forth, and even for evermore.

Psalm 121
Thanks Lord You're Awesome, I hear ya
1 canticum graduum levavi oculos meos in montes
unde veniet auxilium mihi
2 auxilium meum a Domino
qui fecit caelum et terram
3 non det in commotionem pedem tuum neque dormitet
qui custodit te
4 ecce non dormitabit neque dormiet
qui custodit Israhel
5 Dominus custodit te
Dominus protectio tua super manum dexteram tuam
6 per diem sol non uret te
neque luna per noctem
7 Dominus custodit te ab omni malo
custodiat animam tuam Dominus
8 Dominus custodiat introitum tuum et exitum tuum
ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum

Psalmus 121
Deo gratias Dominus awesomus, ego agnosco



Gattina said...

It seems to be a quite old church for Atlanta ! but my latin I have forgotten it's replaced by the new roman latin = italian !

Gina said...

Hi Angelo!
Now that the exam is over, you can heave a sigh of relief & E-X-H-A-L-E! I'm sure you were in a state of suspended animation (kinda) before the exams. Relax now my friend, until your next challenge comes along =) Well, isn't that what life is all about?
Have a blessed Easter!

Girlie said...

Angelo, you probably did great on that exam.

Enjoy that where you will be moving after you get your US med license?

I've never been there, but wasn't Scarlet O'Harra from there?

tina said...

you must be prety much in a relaxed mood today... hehe.. :P

anyway.. breath deeeep exam is over..

and yes.. God sure does move in mysterious ways... lovely.. and how fitting you had to drop by the same name of church...

be blessed happy easter/

Leah said...

Have a good Easter Angelo. Thanks for the Psalms quote. The churches are awesome indeed.

PastormacsAnn said...

Glad you exam is behind you. Wonderful pictures, must be really something to see in person. I love stained glass windows.

Love the Psalm.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Congratulations on getting through your exam. As for the Latin...forget it, I have!

I love cathedrals, the majesty and the reason for their being, plus the wonderful peace that steals over you when in one.

Have a wonderful Easter, Angelo and Nermal.

Heart of Rachel said...

Must be a great relief that the exam is over.

That's a beautiful church. Thanks for sharing.

Have a blessed Easter.

Anonymous said...

Your exam is finally over. Goodluck on the results! It's just your nerves that's why you keep waking up every hour.

I believe there are a dozen or so Christ the King churches around the world. There are 3 or more here in the Philippines.

I love the pics! You know what, I feel this certain kind of peace when I'm inside the church. I feel so calm and it's like everything will fall into place...

Happy Easter, Angelo! God bless! :)

Angelo said...

Gattina: haha that's true Gattina, ciao!

Gina: Thanks Gina! Yes I'm much more relaxed right now, until the next exam though, which is May, so I gotta get back to work after Easter. Happy Easter :)

Shoshana: Thanks for the vote of confidence! I loved Atlanta, it was great, but I don't think I'll apply there. It seems too hot and I'd like to be closer to home, so I think I'll stick up north. I'm not sure about Scarlet O'Harra hehe :D

Tina: Thanks Tina, ya I'm feeling better now, I always get un-necissarily worked up for these exams :) A Blessed Easter!

Leah: Happy Easter to you and your family Leah!

Pastormac's Ann: Thank you :) Yes it was a very peaceful place to re-coup :) Happy Easter!

Puss-in-Boots: Thank you :) Yes I couldn't have put it any better... a Blessed Easter!

Heart of Rachel: Yes very much so! A Happy Easter to you and your family :)

Sasha: Thanks Sasha! Yeah I get myself worked up too much for these things, but God has an uncanny way of calming me down, with just the right words and gestures... I actually used to attend Christ the King in Greenmeadows, that was my ex's parish. In terms of Cathedrals in Canada and the U.S., I think I counted only 6 named CTK. I was actually supposed to take the exam in L.A., Philadelphia or Chicago, but got stuck with Atlanta, in which case the Cathedrals would have been named "Our Lady of the Angels", "S.S. Peter and Paul", and "Holy Name" respectively. I don't believe in coincidences. And you're so right about the peace and serenity of these great spaces. I wish you and your family a very Blessed and Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

WElcome back home,Angelo!
I believe that you did a great job on your exam!

God is so good,He has this way when to soothe you and calm you down.

I bet you are more relaxed now,the feeling of relieves is in you.The Cathedral is real awesome,its pretty soulfully rejoiceful to be inside it,thing we cannot buy in any shops.

Good morning!

Angelo said...

Ghee: Thank you Ghee! Yes He is and Amen to all you said! Happy Easter :)

Anonymous said...

Angelo, thanks for keeping in touch. Thanks for the lovely picture of the cathedral. Going to church makes me feel relaxed, peaceful and serene. Seems like no one can hurt you when you're inside. I love also the art -- stained glasses -- and the architecture of it.

Hope you'll pass your exam. Ganbare! Ganbare! (Ghee chan taught me this japanese word) =) *hugs for Nermal

Btw,I usually post on my LJ acct. You can also visit my photo repository here

haze said...

I've always love visiting churches! (of course attending mass too ;)! I'm sure you will have great results of your exam Angelo ! You've work a lot that so you deserve to be the top of it ;) ! Maintenant, soit zen !