Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Eclipsis Lunae Totalis

Thank the Universe, the skies over Toronto finally cleared of the snowstorm clouds that have been looming over us for the past few weeks....It was just in time for the total lunar eclipse tonight. I have been waiting for this since the last eclipse back in August left me hanging. Viewing was optimal this time 'round, but I had to brave -12C temperatures for a couple of hours. I lit a fire in the fire-pit to keep me from getting frost-bite.... But it was all worth it because I was able to a few good shots....

Let's begin with a very bright full moon....Let's fast forward through the early parts of the eclipse (it looked the same as the last time) and get to the good stuff....

That bright star at the bottom is actually the planet Saturn, so here's a bonus shot of Saturn magnified....

Well, I hope you've enjoyed the total eclipse of the moon, if you missed it, the next one (total) will be on Dec 21, 2010.



Iwalktheline said...

I witnessed the whole was really quite amazing...I don't think I ever have

JaCk said...

Wow!! I've lost the red moon tonight argh!!

Greetings from Italy :P

Shosh said...

Yes, all my kids stayed up for the lunar eclipse. It was pretty much a clear sky last night. We saw the moon at full, then at total eclipse. We didn't have any camera which could take a decent picture, but it was lots of fun.

Gina said...

LUNARTASTIC alright! Every now and again we would just sneak out into the balcony to check the eclipse and run back inside. The darn cold!

But yes, the skies have been so clear last night and we got a good look. It's nice to see the spectacle 'up close' with these photos =)

Love that bonus shot of Saturn!

Anonymous said...

I didn't saw the lunar eclipse last night because it was raining over our place. But my friend reminded me of it earlier in the afternoon. Thanks for sharing the pictures. They are really lovely. I enjoyed it. ;)

*purrs for Nermal

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome photos. I wasn't able to see the eclipse cause of cloud cover, but thanks to your pics, it feels like I was there. Plus that shot of Saturn is off the hook. Thanks


MaR said...

I only watched for a few minutes, my sister shared her pics with me and I posted them, thanks for sharing your terrific pictures, I enjoyed looking at them.

Anonymous said...

I saw some photos from another blog. You really love this kind of stuff ano? :)

How are you na, Angelo? Been a while ah... di na ako nakakadalaw gaano, been busy. Anyway, happy weekend! Take care :)

Puss-in-Boots said...

Hi Angelo What fabulous photographs. I didn't see this one but watched the last one. Isn't our Universe a wonderful sight? And full of mysteries, too...

Hugs to you and Nermal.

Anonymous said...

Hello Angelo!!

magnificent!!!!you are so great!!

i cant believe that i could witness the lunar eclipse through blog,and youre the only one who had done it!!

gee...why was i so busy,that didnt notice the lunar eclipse?LOL!really thank you for sharing this to us,Angelo...

You posted the pics very clearly,they were awesome,really!!!!

Anonymous said...

and sorry for being late,Angelo.

I am really busy right now,but im glad that some important things are already done. :)

the next thing would be my daughters entrance exams....then packing up would be easier to do

i hope you enjoyed your weekend. :)

hugs to you and Nermal!!


tina said...

i saw it!!!! so it was an eclipse after all. I saw it by accident... it was feb.21 that time.. prolly 6:15pm.

the moon was soo big and it was just across the street. too bad our cameras weren't that advanced.. but it will stay in my memory...

Anonymous said...

wow! its really amazing... id rather witness it the next time...

what camera do you use capturing those photos?

can we x-links? pls let me know if its okay! :D

dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...

Glad to see such thing here...
Thanx for sharing, Angelo ;)

Angelo said...

Thanks everyone, hope y'all can catch the next one in 2010!

Joseph, I used a 5.1MP Sony Cybershot. I attached it to my telescope to get the close-up shots of the moon, and the close-up of Saturn.

Anonymous said...

I caught glimpses of it and it was beautiful My camera was not strong enough to capture the beauty of it. These are good photos Angelo.