Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yes, We Can

I just voted in the Canadian federal election.... yaaawwnnn, oh sorry, excuse me..... Ya there was an election here too, I almost forgot, what with all the commotion down south of the border.... Canadian politics?.... meh.... maybe it's election fatigue, I mean this was the third election in the past four years.... maybe its because this election was a choice between meh, meh, meh, and more meh.... if we actually got to vote for the party leader, I might not have even voted, but since we vote for a local Member of Parliament, I was motivated.... this is because the last time I voted FOR my local MP, he went ahead and switched sides after he was elected!.... can these slimy politicians do that?.... he betrayed the constituency that gave him the right to sit in the House of Commons, and we no longer have any say about it?..... I voted for him because of his political party not because he inspired me as an individual.... I should have figured out from the questionable and unconvincing hair(piece) on his opportunistic head that he shouldn't be trusted.... so I didn't just vote FOR a candidate this time round, I voted AGAINST that traitor.... I actually like the current situation of a minority government, it keeps these politicians on their toes, I'm just sick of all these snap elections....

I have never been inspired by a politician, and with politicians like my (hopefully former) MP, how can you be inspired to even trust them?.... at least that follicley-challenged traitor to the electorate made Canadian politics a little more interesting for me.... now, politics in the United States of America? Yeeeehaaaaw! .... I actually rushed home so I could re-hook my IV back into CNN.... reality t.v. has never been so interesting..... oh sorry I meant reality, sometimes I can't tell.... it's more than just the historic nature of this US election..... yes, this election may very well lead to the first black president of the the free world, but with Barack Obama, I finally know what my parents' generation meant when they were inspired by another young politician.... JFK.... yes people will say that Obama is just good at delivering a speech, but I am not the one you should ask whether one should believe that words have power.... not just the power to inspire you to feel good, but the power to inspire the individual to action and affect real change for the better.... I for one have watched these past eight years with dismay and a sense of despondence at the direction the world is heading towards.... in Canada, we liken our relationship with the US as a mouse in bed with an elephant.... of course the US is the elephant.... whenever the elephant moves, the mouse feels it.... this analogy can easily apply to the United States' relationship with the rest of the world.... I was leaning towards the propaganda that the US of America was just a bully rather than the propaganda that America, from its founding is the beacon of liberty, hope, freedom, democracy, hope, opportunity, justice, equality, hope, etc, for all peoples of the world, unlike any other nation on earth..... I could use a little bit of hope right now, and Barack Obama gives me the hope that there are leaders out there who can inspire and lead with a cool, smart, and steady hand, rather than with moronic trigger happy fingers....

Whether a change in the White House will lead to a change in the world towards cooperation and good will, remains to be seen... One thing is for sure here in North America, we can choose our leaders, we can hold them accountable, we can change them, we can question our government's propaganda, we can stand up to our governments, we have a say in what direction we want our societies to head, we can agree to disagree on our differing ideologies, we have the right to make up our own minds, and believe what we choose to believe.... yes, we can.... si, se puede.... oui, c'est possible... pwede yan.... やれば、できるんだ.... 我 们 做 得 到....

A belated Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, we have a lot to be thankful for in our democracy.... I hope you all participate in democracy and vote.... I can't wait to see what happens on November 4 with our cousins down south....

"in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope..."



Puss-in-Boots said...

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you, Angelo. Good to see you posting.

One of the pollies in our State govt here in Queensland has just switched sides, 10 months after he was elected. You can imagine the uproar...both from his constituents and his party. I have become decidedly jaded as far as politics (and politicians) are concerned.

However, like your parents, I remember JFK and now, I have the same sense of hope with regard to Barack Obama. Maybe there is hope for the western world yet. Who knows...we can but wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Puss-in-Boots: Hi Robyn, thanks very much, I had a lot of turkey....

I hate politicians, I guess we have a similar parliamentary system in Canada and Australia so we probably have the same kind of politicians... I hope that pollie gets voted out next election, I'm happy to report that my MP was replaced! We still have another minority conservative government, so this whole exercise in democracy was just a waste of time and money... I hope these politicians can put away the squabbling for a few years at least and get the government working through co-operation and compromise between the various political parties in the House...

I'm watching the final Obama McCain debate right now and all I have to say is Yeeehaw!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the politicians.

Anonymous said...

limoeg: I hear ya!

Anonymous said...

Happy Canadian Day to you Angelo ! Likewise, I have never like politicians, they could be very good during the campaign but not when they are already elected. Promises here and there but what I don't get is that words and promises should be put into action! Hay buhay !

Anonymous said...

You are a good citizev Angelo. Me, I did not vote. I have no political inclination whatso-ever. This election was a total waste of money.

Anonymous said...

Haze: Salut Haze and thanks. Ya I guess their all like that eh? Oh well, what can we do, that's politics I guess.

Leah: It was a total waste of money and time eh? I hate Harper, actually I can't stand any of those politicians in Ottawa.

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...


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