Friday, June 05, 2009


When I was in grade 7, Lori-Anne Galati sang me this song as she strummed on her air guitar.... I think of it, and of her whenever I see a bee.... I wonder what ever happened to her...

"Who flies from flower to flower"....
"The bee....
the bee....
"Who stings with such force and such power"....
"The bee....
the bee....
Sorry, that's all I remember of her song, but please remember to be kind to you local honey bees.... "colony collapse disorder" is claiming about 30% of hives each year in the US alone, and it looks like it's a world-wide phenomenon.... scientists are not yet certain as to the exact cause of the die-off, but believe it may be a combination of factors including pesticide use, lack of adequate nutrition, genetic dilution from the way they've been bred, a mite infestation, fungal, viral and parasitic infections.... the little guys in the pictures are actually bumblebees (Bombus sp.), a close relative of the honey bee, but equally deserving of our respect.... all these busy guys pollinate most of our food sources.... so if their colonies are collapsing, the supply of many of our food sources could theoretically follow... think about that the next time you swat at one unnecessarily....



ghee said...

whoahh!!a flying bee!!what a great phtotographer you are,Pom!It`s not that easy to capture animals/insects in action!They`re all spectacular,esp the 2nd pic! :)

what`s the name of the flowers?

you still remember the name of your classmate?(coz i hardly remember the full name of my classmates,hehe,only those who were close to me.)

ghee said...

ichiban ni natta? :D

have a great weekend,Angelo!
Hugs to Nermal and the rest of your "kids" :D

Angelo said...

YeeHaw! Ichiban Ghee hehe :D

Thanks Ghee, but bumblebees make it easy coz they hover, you should try.... the blossoms are crabapple blossoms, they bloom after sakura.

Ya I guess I still remember her coz of her song hehe. Have a great rest of the weekend!

ghee said...

yay!finally,ichiban deshita!!haha!

I shall try it if ever I had a chance. :)Have you changed your camera already?


Now be my guest,ichiban ni natte kudasai. :)

mel said...

Hearing about it made me feel guilty for killing this one small bee which stung me at my foot. But that happened more than 10 years ago. :p

The Nomadic Pinoy said...

You must have been very patient with the bee to capture such a shot! I remember almost getting frustrated trying to photograph a bird in Costa Rica but in the ned, it's still worth it, isn't it?

Angelo said...

ghee: Hai ichiban deshita!!! Me ichiban too banzai! hehe...

Haven't changed the camera yet Ghee, it's okay, I found a new challenge to perfect with the old camera... flying things.

mel: Oh don't feel guilty Mel, it's one thing to swat at innocent, unsuspecting bees who are just minding their own business, but if they're stinging you then by all means, defend yourself!! hehe... besides, if it was a honey bee and it stung you, then it's going to die anyway. I killed a bee that stung me at that age too... it stung my neck then when I went to pick it off, it stung my finger....

The Nomadic Pinoy: Hey Nomad, ya it's definitely worth it. Challenging shots look better to me when I know the "work" it took to get it. I went through a night/low light phase, now I think I'm on a flying things phase. cheers!

haze said...

I am really hopeless when it comes to taking pictures. I really need a DSLR to capture as you have captured them. I tried many times but they were okay nothing really special. You are a patient human being Angelo as you've taken this shot when the bee landed on the flower and took off and landed again and took off, it took time, wasn't it?

Buti hindi ka kinagat ng bee lol!

dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...

It takes patience to take photos of flying insects. In this case, it is very well captured. I love the color of the photos as well...

Angelo said...

haze: Salut Haze! You can get great shots with your point and shoot.... I've seen you get great shots! These were taken with a point and shoot. I used to think that once I get a DSLR in my hands all my problems would be solved hehe... but actually I tried my uncle's and found it really complicated and the shots I was getting was no where near as nice as what I was getting with my point and shoot... I guess I know my camera really well, plus point and shoots make things so much easier, you just point and shoot hehe....

dodong flores: thanks dodonong, it wasn't too bad, there were a bunch of bees around the crabapple tree in the back, so I just hung out and snapped away.... plus bumblebees make it easier coz they hover, making focusing easier....

MeL said...

That bee knows how to defend itself! lol. Yes, it was a honey bee and I remember clearly that it made me cry after I got stung.

But now I adore them. 'Coz without them, there will be no honeys. :)

dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...

I have film SLR, dSLR, and a point-and-shoot (actually a phonecam) and I didn't have any problem taking photo of those insects with those equipment. Right now, I bring only my phonecam most of the time as my SLR is quite bulky. You're right, Angelo. It's not the equipment that really matters but it's the familiarization of the equipment that count the most. In this case, you were successful in taking photos of this bumblebee because you get used to your camera already and know your camera pretty well...


That's just awesome!

Really nice set of "bee" fotos.