Saturday, July 04, 2009

Psychomotor Retardation

Grand Central Terminal (19)i
I, standing still.... the world whizzing around me, by me, past me.... I try to latch on to someone.... one of those shiny happy people.... but they're traveling at the speed of light.... and I, at the speed of stone, am left behind.... they pass through my solidity like phantoms....Grand Central Terminal (15)i
I desperately want to break free from this time warp.... the overwhelming desire to move forward has been welling up inside of me for far too long.... I try to concentrate all of that desire into one foot, so that perhaps, whatever iota of strength I have left in me can take that first step to finally propel me into the mix....Grand Central Terminal (18)i
Instead, whatever iota of strength I have left escapes through my pores and dissipates into the ether.... as does my desire, once again, to move....

Grand Central Terminal (21)i
I refuse to be defeated.... especially by my own self....Grand Central Terminal 004
I well up again all the desire I can muster.... I try to concentrate all of that desire into one foot, so that perhaps, whatever iota of strength I have left in me can take that first step to finally propel me into the mix....Grand Central Terminal 005
escapes.... dissipates.... refuses....Grand Central Terminal 006
I'm so retarded.Grand Central Terminal 007


Puss-in-Boots said...

That's a very profound piece of prose, Angelo. I hope it's not reflecting your own turmoil. Great photography, though, which is something I want to learn how to do properly. Hope all is well with you.

The Nomadic Pinoy said...

New York is so fast-paced that a lot of things become a blur to ordinary tourists. As I view your photo series, I remember the first lines in Max Ehrmann's Desiderata: "Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,and remember what peace there may be in silence."

Angelo said...

Puss-in-Boots: Thanks Robyn, I'm alright.... I feel less retarded here in the hustle and bustle of New York city. I just need to try and keep moving along with the rest of the crowd. Good luck with your photography, I still don't have that DSLR, but my P&S can still churn out some surprises so just play around with yours and have fun. Cheers!

The Nomadic Pinoy: Hey Nomad, "... in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world."

ghee said...

great great shots,Angelo!

your pics really prove us the busy life in NY!its so good to see this station.

what a nice texts!we see ourselves contemplating amidst the crowded place and i can sense your deep sense of reflection.

wow,you`re such a nice writer and photographer,Pom!i love watching people and have to admit that your pics have a mesmerizing effect on me!you did find great models who are standing still to show the fast paced people around.

Thanks for sharing,Pom..I find it very interesting!!

Enjoy your stay in NY and yes,looking forward to seeing your 4th of July pics!!

ghee said...

i was a bit late eh?i`m so toxic kasi lately....

Angelo said...

Ghee: Hi Ghee! Ya it's pretty busy here.... just like Tokyo. Except, here I can understand the signs hehe.... but I get lost more on the subway here than I did in Tokyo go figure! Oh wait, I did a lot of walking in Tokyo coz I saw the train system and said forget it hehe...

Thanks Ghee, unfortunately I didn't get to see the fireworks on the fourth. Oh well, there's so much other stuff to blog about here. I hope you're not too toxic this week.

haze said...

Lots of sentiments expressed Angelo! A great interpretation of people, time and place. I hope everything is perfect on your side. Are you moving to New York for good?

And oh well, I remember Madagascar film. When Alex escaped from the Zoo and found himself at the Central Park Zoo. Breaks out hoping to live a better life on the outside.

Have a nice day Angelo ;) !

dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...

Nice photography, Angelo. Excellent capture of the motion blur. So, that's how it looks like in NY. I don't understand the write up but it sound to me like a desperate song. I'm hoping you success in your New York ventures...

ghee said...

Hi Angelo!

Really?I thought Tokyo`s subway was the most confusing station all over the world!LOL,as if I had traveled globally ano?haha up to now,i get lost in Tokyo,well,most of the people who live far away by it do i think.

it`s alright if you haven`t taken any pics of the fireworks,im sure there are more interesting pics that you could show us. ;)

send me a message if you have a new post,ok? :)

Angelo said...

Haze: Salut Haze, I'm just here for a visit. But I still want to move here for good. Was planning on going to the Central Park zoo to feed penguins, but didn't get to go. I'll make sure to take lots of pics when I do make it :)

Dodong Flores: Thanks Dodong!

Ghee: You're right Ghee, Tokyo's is pretty confusing on top of the fact that the signs are not in English hehe... Don't go on hiatus for too long. Will make sure to let you know if I update :)

lucas said...

whew! an emo post from you at last! i love it. your prose has depth and i could totally relate...

i wonder what the camera effect is called. time warp effect maybe? hhehe!

peace out!

MeL said...

Life in NY is really fast paced. Thank you for sharing that wonderful piece of yours. The pictures simply explains everything.

Are you moving there for good? :) KA, I have lot of kwentos na talaga aside from my out of town trips. We have this "drama" in the office (and I am involved), and I'm itching to write about it on my blog but this certain person got my blog's URL so I'm limited to share it. I dunno how he got it. :(

Anyway, enjoy the rest of the summer. I'll pm you for my new update. :)

Angelo said...

lucas: Hey man, it's been a while! Thanks, I actually wrote this several months ago, but I didn't have the right images to accompany the prose. I knew I'd find them at Grand Central here in New York though. I used a longer exposure to get the blur of the rush hour crowd, so I guess we can call it the rush hour effect? Cheers!

Mel: Oh no, that reminds me of when kulang sa pansin girl got my url hehe.... maybe you can write a blog about it in code, or as a story with different characters or something. Can't wait to see your update again! and ya, I'm hoping I can move here for good... we'll see.

mel said...

Who is this kulang sa pansin girl? haha. I'm planning to write it in different languages where you'll need a translator to decipher it. lol.

I'm crossing my fingers for you. Everything will go accdg to His plan. I'll pray for you. *hugs*

Shoshana said...

Great presentation...people moves at a dizzying speed sometimes.

Angelo said...

mel: hehe Ghee coined the nickname for babaeng KSP, I'll explain l8r :) Thanks Mel I need all that good stuff :)

Soshana: Thanks Soshana, tru dat.

Leah said...

Hi Angelo. Are you vacationing in NY? or you live there now.

I was hoping a more in depth recount of the HP Premiere. Saw the photos at flickr.

Liked your prose as well.

Take care.

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