Saturday, August 01, 2009

Prelude in E-minor, Op.28, No.4 by Chopin

oxygen eludes me in this Suffocation of circumstances....

American Museum of Natural History 074
a tremendous ocean encasing and weighing down my existence....American Museum of Natural History 023 once fluid, it has now congealed into a semi-solid that makes swimming to the surface progressively more difficult.... I claw against the density and fight the inertia of my self.... the glimmering under-surface appears so close that I can almost feel the deoxygenated breath within me bursting out in the hopes of a reflex inhalation of fresh, sustaining air from the other side.... I try to muster all my desire and strength, but it is never enough.... breaching that surface remains an unobtainable goal.... I'm running out of air....American Museum of Natural History 039 amidst this struggle, I encounter air-breathing-water-dwellers.... they ease me in my struggling, and generously commiserate with me....American Museum of Natural History 026
they share their breath with me....American Museum of Natural History 095 and I share mine with them....American Museum of Natural History 042 this is what will sustain me until I reach the surface....American Museum of Natural History 093 this gelatinous milieu will soon liquefy, I'm certain of it!....
American Museum of Natural History 083
at least that's what I'll continue to tell myself.... thank you fellow creatures of the depths, my eternal gratitude....American Museum of Natural History 051



Puss-in-Boots said...

That looks like a great exhibit, Angelo, but your commentary was a little too descriptive...I could feel myself running out of air. The power of the written word and my imagination...a scary combination.

Shoshana said...

Wow! These are great shots of our fellow creatures. I also love the poetic presentation you have here.

The Nomadic Pinoy said...

Hope there's no live aquatic exhibit at the AMNH. Have just seen a very disturbing documentary about dolphins in Japan.

lucas said...

woah! that's a very big whale model!!!! saang museum ito doc?

[I have a feeling you haven't moved on completely though.]… I feel the same way too. Hays… I have an inkling it will stay for awhile. There are just some dead things that refuse to get buried

dodong flores said...

Hi, Angelo!
Nice photos here...
It seems like I understand something here that I hope I don't.
Anyhow, it seems like the subject of your characterization is a struggling hero that delivered victory amidst the struggles.
I hope everything's okay right there...

Leah said...

hi Angelo,

it is so poetic!

hope you're doing well!

AJ said...

what a whale of deep thoughts and pix. im sure something nostalgic in the past inspire u to come up w/ this masterpiece. i'll dig here some more..

dude. txs for the prompt reply. i did link, followed and featured u now so i could visit u more often.

its cool to have a co-blogger from canada - there is where my big bro live and my 2 other sis.

see u around.
