Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I Love New York - Part 3

I can't believe it's September already.....

Here are 10 things I saw in New York City over this past summer:

1) Weird clouds....

NY Summer 2009 060
2) Times Square in the daylight....
NY Summer 2009 114
3) The Naked Cowboy....
NY Summer 2009 228
4) This guy....
NY Summer 2009 227i
5) The President of the Republic of the Philippines.... she offered a mass for the late President Aquino at St. Patrick's which I happened to attend....
NY Summer 2009 278i
6) The Waldorf Asotria.... where she stayed....
NY Summer 2009 282
7) I don't know what the heck these people are doing....
NY Summer 2009 061
8) Super Me! All Natural Smooth....
NY Summer 2009 120
9) OH CANADA! We've made it to the center of the universe! There are Tim Hortons all over Manhattan....
NY Summer 2009 208
10) Another year go by.... Thanks Trinidad, SM & G....
NY Summer 2009 211
Bonus: I swear I saw Lucy Liu near our building.... the taxi we were in almost ran her over... couldn't get to my camera in time, sorry folks...

Enjoy what's left of the summer....



Puss-in-Boots said...

There is an explanation for those drop like clouds, Angelo. They usually come before a storm and it's something like the clouds being full of water or something like that. I've seen them here, too. Amazing, aren't they?

Great pictures, Angelo. New York looks a fascinating city.

Dennis Villegas said...

Wow these are very nice photos, Angelo...I like them all especially the photo of the clouds and the naked cowboy...

But then for some strange reason I didn't like photo #5. I mean it's good but I didn't like the subject ;)

I bet the President and her staff ate another million-peso dinner there at the Waldorf.

AJ said...

what a picturesque way of starting september!.. keep on shooting the whole year round.

so u captured the smiling president too, huh. RGDS,

Angelo said...

Puss-in-Boots: Hey thanks Robyn, that's interesting, I'm going to have to look that up!

Dennis Villegas: Hey Dennis, ya tell me about it, I heard about the controversy.

AJ:Thanks AJ, I will definitely do that.

dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...

Weird clouds, indeed. I haven't seen like that yet.
All of the photos are nice but I prefer that you had a front view of the naked cowboy :)

Sayang hindi mo nakunan ng photo si Lucy Liu :)

Happy birthday...

dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...

Photo #8 is interesting, too :D :D :D

Angelo said...

dodong flores: Hey Dodong, thanks bro! Ya sayang nga I was a little star struck when I realized it was her kasi and my reflex were blunted for a sec... and ya from the front the Naked Cowboy really does look naked... I thought so too for #8 hehe...

lucas said...

i agree. those are some weird clouds... they made the sky to appear like it's burning in flames...



Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Catch said...

i suddenly miss NYC or maybe not... hahaha.. i contracted bacterial infection on the tip of my nose while in NYC.. i strongly believe i got it from the subway... nice pictures...

ghee said...

how come i missed your bday????i had not received any reminder from fs or fb??????

:(( waaaahhhhhhhh.....

really sorry,Angelo...i was able to greet Nermal,but I missed yours...uh oh...and yeah,i think wasnt aware of your bday at all?

anyway,better late than never.

happy happy bday,my dear friend Angelo.you are so special and will remain one forever.

may God bless you more!!!!

muah muah muahhhhhh!

mel said...

Super belated Happy Birthday, dear KA! Sorry di kita na-greet on your big day.

I love your photos. You should've given me a slice of your birthday cake. It looks delicious. :p

I remember the issue with GMA.. when she ate in Le Cirque with her amigas and amigos. The total bill costs P800M. tsk tsk..

Sorry about that. I shouldn't spoil the good mood here. Always take care. Purrs for Nermal. *mwah*