Friday, October 23, 2009

Let Me Take You Down 'Cause I'm Going To...

Strawberry Fields 02Strawberry Fields 01
Strawberry Fields 04
so a couple of weeks ago, on Oct. 9th, it was John Lennon's birthday.... I made a pilgrimage to Strawberry Fields in Central Park, just steps away from The Dakota apartment building where he lived and was assassinated.... I went three times actually, before going the first time though, Soulmate took me to Shake Shack for burgers.... after she finished going all paparazzi on Matt Damon's ass there, we took our burgers to Strawberry Fields.... best burgers ever... with awesome burger-eating-music... here was our view while we ate, and a sneak peak of the birthday festivities....
Soulmate had to go home early, so I ended up coming back by myself and got up close and personal to the "Imagine" mosaic....
I just have two words to say.... AWE and SOME! enjoy....
sorry, camera was full so "In My Life" was cut off short :(

Later that evening, I went back with Trinidad and we stayed for over three hours, 'til almost 11 pm....
we got to sing along with most of our favorites, unfortunately no more space in my camera.... but luckily, Steve Baldwin aka brooklynparrot on youtube sent me a video response to my youtube videos.... I saw myself a couple of times in his video shot by his friend Juliet Hanlon.... I'm standing near the couple making out during "Starting Over".... enjoy....
Peace and Love y'all....DSC05695

WHERE IS THIS?: check the map


dodong flores said...

If I happen to live near that place, I surely would go there myself too and witness this kind of event.
Nice photos. The rest of the videos, I'm having a hard time viewing maybe because of my Internet connection. I'll visit again here to view the videos completely and will leave again another comments...
By the way, I'm a Beatles fanatics ;)

AJ said...

wow! the legend lives & beloved, indeed. thanks for sharing this red day bro. u made your reader feel were with u - lucky guys.

i have been keeping JL's music Imagine song in my MP3.

i am yet to download the u-tube and quite xcited to check ur presence there. :)

Angelo said...

dodong flores: Hey Dodong, next year Oct 9, see ya there! Or on Dec 8, if you're coming to New York :)

AJ: Thanks man, they played Imagine a couple of times, it was awesome.

The Nomadic Pinoy said...

I've passed by this landmark a few times. People do go there to pay homage to John Lennon even if it's not his birthday. His music is definitely his enduring legacy to humanity.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Wow what a fantastic tribute to one of the greatest song writers of all time. I love John Lennon's music and of course, the Beatles were my I'm really showing my age!

Great post, Angelo, and terrific videos.

Angelo said...

The Nomadic Pinoy: Hey Nomad, ya I've been to Strawberry Fields a bunch of times before too. The whole "Strawberry Fields" IS in itself homage to John Lennon and his message, but it's not the same as on his birthday! Or probably on the anniversary of his assassination. Musician are not allowed to be at Strawberry Fields except on those two days. they were circulating a petition to change that...

Puss-in-Boots: That's okay Robyn, The Beatles and John Lennon are timeless! There were a lot of youngins there who knew all the words to all the songs, I was impressed.

dodong flores said...

Angelo, that's funny. The place is very far from my present location :D

dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...

Hi, Angelo. Happy Halloween! I'ts a long weekend here in Manila...

haze said...

Hi Angelo, I just saw your comment on my blog. Thank you for your kind words. I am on your blog right now (what a coincidence). The second blog I opened today was yours.

The shots are just impressive. I wish I could witness this event. I am not a fan but I love his music ;)! Nice to see you again. I'll be updating my blog once in a while. Have a nice autumn day.

Angelo said...

dodong flores: Hey Dodong belated happy halloween, hope your long weekend was great! Just let me know if you're ever in the neibourhood...

haze: Salut Haze! Thanks also, it's really nice to see you in the blogosphere after so long. Congrats again and take care!