Sunday, June 21, 2009

Do Do Dooo Dooo Dooo Dooo Do Do Do Do Dooo....

Mother Nature's Son 00
Born a poor young country boy, Mother Nature's son.....Mother Nature's Son 01 All day long, I'm sittin singin songs for everyone....
Mother Nature's Son 02
Sit beside a mountain stream, see her waters rise....
Mother Nature's Son 03
Listen to the pretty sound of music as she flies....Mother Nature's Son 04 Do Do Dooo Dooo Dooo Dooo Do Do Do Do Dooo....Mother Nature's Son 04i Find me in my field of grass, Mother Nature's son....Mother Nature's Son 05 Swaying dasies, sing a lazy song beneath the sun....Mother Nature's Son 06iiii ...... oh ...... mother nature's son.......Mother Nature's Son 07 ...........................................................................................................................................Photobucket
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Friday, June 05, 2009


When I was in grade 7, Lori-Anne Galati sang me this song as she strummed on her air guitar.... I think of it, and of her whenever I see a bee.... I wonder what ever happened to her...

"Who flies from flower to flower"....
"The bee....
the bee....
"Who stings with such force and such power"....
"The bee....
the bee....
Sorry, that's all I remember of her song, but please remember to be kind to you local honey bees.... "colony collapse disorder" is claiming about 30% of hives each year in the US alone, and it looks like it's a world-wide phenomenon.... scientists are not yet certain as to the exact cause of the die-off, but believe it may be a combination of factors including pesticide use, lack of adequate nutrition, genetic dilution from the way they've been bred, a mite infestation, fungal, viral and parasitic infections.... the little guys in the pictures are actually bumblebees (Bombus sp.), a close relative of the honey bee, but equally deserving of our respect.... all these busy guys pollinate most of our food sources.... so if their colonies are collapsing, the supply of many of our food sources could theoretically follow... think about that the next time you swat at one unnecessarily....