Thursday, October 08, 2009

Scenes from Bryant Park

I am on a roll typing an essay about my life story.... feets don't fail me now! The ideas in my head flow in undulating waves of cerebral energy transferring from neuron to neuron down my arms into my fingers, ending up as words and sentences of such eloquent composition on my laptop screen.... out of nowhere comes some loud mouthed girl on her cell phone... she stands within earshot of me bragging to her friend about her awesome office and how they need to meet up for lunch or whatever... I wish you would SHUT UP!... my roll is halted and here I am instead on my blog....

Bryant Park (32)
thanks a lot loud mouthed girl (who at this point walks away)....

Yes, I'm blogging to you from a park.... okay, it's not just any park, it's Bryant Park....Bryant Park (40) right behind the New York Public Library main branch.... what did we ever do without free WiFi and wireless laptops? I don't remember those dark ages anymore, so don't ask.... when the library closes I come here to continue what I'm doing.... what kind of nerd f*@kery am I doing in the New York Public Library you ask?.... that's another blog....

back in the day Bryant Park was a mecca for drug deals and probably wasn't the safest place to be... today there's little kids on the carousel, people playing chess, pétanque, and ping pong, people on laptops, or people just lounging around on the lawn can even have your lunch here while a famous pianist plays for you.... oh and yes, there's an occasional person doing drugs....
Bryant Park (43)Bryant ParkBryant Park (44)Bryant Park (36)
on this particular night, there seems to be a bevy of hot girls in short skirts walking around... following one of them (don't worry, I'm not a stalker type or anything), I'm led to a big white tent that has consumed the entire lawn of the park.... it's some kind of fashion show.... which explains the bevy of hot girls I guess....
Bryant Park (47)Bryant Park

there are a lot of couples making out around me.... I read this on one of the lawn chairs....
Bryant Park (56)
stop encouraging them.... someone needs to engrave a lawn chair with "Get a room".... geez why so cynical Angelo?....

a couple approach the couple who were just making out, the asian girl's kinda cute.... I think they're trying to evangelize the fornicators... I have a quick and easy excuse in case they come to me... "I already love Jesus and I'm on a roll with my essay, so I'm sorry, but I don't have time".... luckily when they approach me, they see me typing furiously... from the corner of my eye, I watch them as they hesitate and walk away... phew! I dodged that evangelical bullet....

I buy a falafel and sit down to eat by the fountain....Bryant Park (49) the big white tent is gone by now.... in the distance there's a stage and the New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players sing from the score of the H.M.S. Pinafore.... rock on muther effers! man, I love New York....

I should not have been surprised to see a lot of smokers in a park.... but wait a second, that's not cigarette smoke I smell.... someone has to keep the druggie legacy of Bryant Park alive I guess.... gimme some o' dat you sons of bitches!.... I have to apologize, New York has turned me into a bit of a potty mouth.... which explains the uncontrollable urge to chew on a bar of soap whenever I'm in the shower....Bryant Park (30)

here is the Bargemusic Chamber Ensemble playing Vivaldi's "La Primavera" (Spring), first movement "Allegro"....
they're called Bargemusic because they actually play on a floating barge at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge.... check them out if you're looking for chamber music played on water with the Manhattan skyline as the backdrop...

I think I'm pretty much done with my nerd-fest at the New York Public Library for now.... so for my last night in Bryant Park here is the Brooklyn Philharmonic playing a contemporary piece by Daniel Bernard Roumain titled String Quartet No. 5 Rosa Parks "I Made Up My Mind Not To Move"....
one last falafel in Bryant Park under a clear New York autumn night sky, with the Brooklyn Philharmonic playing in the background....Bryant Park (46) EFF, I love New York....

WHERE IS THIS?: check the map


Mel said...

I'm first, right? :)

mel said...

Thanks for the trip around Bryant park. Great shots, KA. Did you took them using p&s cam? :)

Good thing the park is now drug-free and safe (at least). I love Vivaldi's La Primavera. The soothing sound of classical music makes me feel relaxed.

How's the weather in NY? Always take care. I'll wait for your FB msg. :)

Angelo said...

Mel: Mel you're first! It's been a while hehe....

Thanks Mel, yup still using the same trusty P&S camera...

It's not completely drug free, I smell mary jane in the air...

Weather's getting colder, it's definitely jacket weather already. I FB'd you already couldn't sleep tonight....

dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...

Wow, that must be a good place to unwind, or at least, to get a free Wi-Fi access. If not for the remnants of the drug culture that once proliferate in this park and the couples making out, this could be an ideal place to stay alone and write something without you being disturbed. At least, here in this park, you could pop-out your laptop without any fear that somebody will come to you and forcefully take your computer away from you. I wish we have that kind of safer place here in the Philippines.

I remember myself just wandering around Lapaz Plaza in Iloilo during my loner days. I just felt good being alone in the dark night merging with strangers strolling around the park. Well, those are good old days for me...

I haven't heard about Nermal nowadays. How is he? Are you not taking him to NYC? I'm just wondering. I haven't had totally followed your posts (being so busy at work) so I didn't know if you had posts about him these past few months.

Other than biking and photography, I would also love to have pets but that will be too costly and sometimes a burden if you're living a tight living here in Metro Manila. Maybe well try if Jovy and I can transfer to a more province-like environment. So for now, I just indulged myself reading blogs about pets. Opps, I'm running the train of thoughts in this blog entry. I have to stop typing :D

AJ said...

ty for the NY tour. i seemed to saw a powerful merging of classical, romance, and sureal scenes! albeit my pc struggle to download those colossal shots of yours.

ps: so like palafel too.

Angelo said...

dodong flores: Hey Dodong, no problem. I like when people go off on tangents :) and no, unfortunately I haven't seen Nermal in months, but yes definitely it's great to have pets, but also a bit of work....

ya, it's too bad that safety can be an issue in many places in Manila, not that New York is crime free, but at least most places are pretty safe.

AJ: Hey AJ, ya my blog is best viewed at a higher resolution, can't remember which one though coz I'm not using WindowsXP anymore. Maybe try switching to 1280x1024 just when you come visit me, to give your pc a break...

The Nomadic Pinoy said...

Love love love Bryant Park! The best public loo with classical music to boot is where I always go whenever nature calls.

Angelo said...

The Nomadic Pinoy: Hey Nomad, ya isn't that bathroom fancy....

Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

Angelo said...

Anonymous: Wow anonymous, I really don't publish anonymous comments coz you really should grow some balls and identify yourself when you criticize others. But I found your comment ignorant, arrogant, and grammatically inferior enough to be laughable... hence your being published.... for the amusement of my blogger friends and myself of course.

Firstly, valuable to whom or to what? I'm not sure what motivates you to blog, or what motivations to blog you would deem acceptable. Therefore, I cannot really comment on what is valuable or not. I can really only speak for myself when I say that I value a little thing called "freedom of expression" and have you ever heard of the term "artistic license"? Well, in the spirit of these principles I believe bloggers can simply post a video, a picture, or plain text as an expression of the art of blogging.... it's up to the reader to decide whether they wish to continue reading said blog or not.

Secondly, what makes you think I have an interest in attracting more readers? This is my personal blog, I don't whore out just to get more hits. I am content with the loyal blogger friends that I have made.

Thirdly, you're comment is highly inappropriate to this post. I would understand if I just posted a video or plain text.... not that there's anything wrong with only posting a video or plain text. We're not in communist China or anything! You can post whatever the hell you want and I'll call it your artistic expression.... but I'm starting to go off on a tangent here because I found your comment so ridiculous.... but that's just my humble opinion.

Thank you very much for the chuckle you gave me when I read your comment. Now if you're the same anonymous who keeps spamming my blog with links to "valuable" sites, then piss off and get a life. If you're not that anonymous, then just thanks for your hilarious comment.

dodong flores said...

Hi, Angelo. I just happened to pass by in this particular page. It's been almost two years that I couldn't bloghop anymore...

Have a pleasant day!